The story takes place in Limbo City, a modern-day city secretly controlled by all-powerful demons, manipulating humanity through the comforts of life, with the demons themselves living in a parallel plane called 'Limbo'. Living on the fringes of the brainwashed society is Dante, a young man at odds with the demons who constantly hunt him and the civilian authorities they control. Dante is warned by a young woman named Kat that he is in danger. After being pulled into Limbo,
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
DMC: Devil May Cry
DMC: Devil May Cry
Plot of the Story
The story takes place in Limbo City, a modern-day city secretly controlled by all-powerful demons, manipulating humanity through the comforts of life, with the demons themselves living in a parallel plane called 'Limbo'. Living on the fringes of the brainwashed society is Dante, a young man at odds with the demons who constantly hunt him and the civilian authorities they control. Dante is warned by a young woman named Kat that he is in danger. After being pulled into Limbo,
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Torchlight II
TorchLight II
Torchlight II is the sequel of the Runic's 2009 ARPG Torchlight, The Game consist of 4 character classes. The Engineer Class, Outlander Class, Embermage Class and The Berseker Class. Each of the following characters have different abilities that makes it surpass the previous game, the engineer class uses steampunk technology and a melee attacker, the outlander uses ranged weapons and a low magic, the embermages uses elemental spells, and the berseker uses animal theme special powers and a quick melee attackers,
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